Originally Posted by HawkI
The problem with athiests is that the Bill of Rights is gospel while the Constitution is unfounded gibberish, simply by self-serving fiat.

The problem with atheists, as christians, is the ones with chips on their shoulder.

There's atheists who like to go about their lives and not bother others or meddle with the affairs of others. There's atheists who see "IN God We Trust" on our money and are OK with that. Then there's the ones that see that as some sort of sleight, and THOSE [bleep] contact the FFRF and ACLU and start lawsuits.

Other than some good natured ribbing on here, I could give a [bleep] about the topic. I kinda almost wish there was a hell for militant atheists to go to for being real [bleep] by filing lawsuits and such. Just as I wish there was a hell for some self-proclaimed christians to go to who can't seem to minds their own business like some of the atheists.

At least in my own experience, once you let go of the shackles of religion, there's a period where you're angry because you were lied to. By society, by your parents, by ones you trusted. So I see where the chip on the shoulder comes from. That was me for a very short time about a decade ago. Then I realized, like any group of people, there's some bad apples in the atheist and christian groups, and it is best to go on and live your life and not worry about.

I think the FFRF gives atheists a really bad name. I think televangelist preachers raking in millions a year and flying around in private jets gives christians a bad name. I think cops shooting a suspect where it turns out to later be unjustified gives cops a bad rep.

Hey man, go live you life. I'll still shidtpost here from time to time just to see how Ringman tries to bend over backwards to explain humans and dinosaurs having sexual relations.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
