I went on "strike",just the other day.

Was backstabbed by a new Supervisor,wishing to proclaim some notoriety for himself,in the false hope of crashing my niche. Despite my 10yrs invested,some 401-K loot,Health Insurance,etc,I pulled the pin in about 3 seconds flat due to baldfaced lies that hinted at my pride of worksmanship(mighta been faster than that,as I RAN to grab my tools).

It wasn't 24hrs later,that my situation was remedied with a 33% wage increase and a backdoor promise,that said azzhole wouldn't have any hold over my doings(thus far 100% true). All negotiations were by ME and to the "Higher Powers" who actually call the shots/cut checks.

To sweeten that pot,I was offered two jobs by different outfits,before I even hit my humble abode,with both offerings still wide open.

As mentioned prior,I always was sweet on the notion of speaking for myself and negotiating my very own contracts. I'm in no hurry to allow a Sheep,to mutter "my" thoughts.

Quitting is a supreme freedom and one cautious to excersize the right,often takes it in the azz..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."