Tom, we hear a lot of stories how the unions are "bad". In all reality most of them are untrue. Lines of demarcation are there for a reason, at times far beyond what is precieved. The problem arrises when the resonse time is lacking. It's hard for someone to accept the idea that you are capable of moving your own computer, but you have to wait hours for someone to show up.

A few years back the union that represented my wife deciced to have an infromational picket at the hospital. Covenent, being affraid of the havok a few women would create hired a "security firm' out of Chicago, I believe ADT. They specialize in strike breaking. All the "security" personal were retired military. One look at them gave you an idea why they were there. Their goal was to intimidate the hospital employees! So the union isn't the only one to use force as a negotiating means. ADT cost Covenant aprox $300,000. Dang we had fun with them boys, sent them packing within a month. No, they didn't suceede in their plan to decertify the union at the time. One of the most interesting conversations I had with one of the goons, his dad was a union activist in the miners strike. Got his butt whipped more than once. Now here's his son, retired army, trying to intimidate a bunch of women into dropping their union. Talk about extremes!