1) an employer must contractually agree to become a union shop...

Not exactly true. If employees want union representation in a business that has no union, they first contact the union they want to represent them. The union comes into the shop and has the employees fill out pledge cards. If the union feels enough people are interested they will contact the NLRB to hold a vote. If more than 51% of the employees vote in favor for a the union, they become the official represenitive of the employees. At this point the employer has to bargin with the union, he has no choice, other to sell his business or file bankrupcy. Some employers are arrogant enough to try and ignore the union, big mistake on their part due to being in violation of national labor laws. Can we say big fines from the NLRB!

Boggy they bargin your pay and benifits. I think you'd be hard pressed to beat their deal. Ask many GM salary employees what its like without union representation.
