Originally Posted by Ackleyfan
All I see is old pictures and junk rifles!


You are at the mercy of your intellect and perceptors,so I'll feign my "surprise" that EXIF stumps you as easily as everything else does. Though I guess you GOTTA tell yourself something and concoct a ruse to satiate your sad Realities?!? Bless your [bleep] Do-Nothing heart and that copious Imagination of your's...ain't it poignant that Pretend fulfills your "drive" and "determination" to the brim?!!? I'm always impressed with the lengths you'll go to and the hoops you'll happily jump through,to perpetually reiterate your incredible [bleep] stupidity and quantify your couch time.

Laffin',because I KNOW it's the best you can do!


Always enjoy the "experience" you flaunt from the trenches of a Game Feeder,your "insight" is consumate humor and that you muster it on accident,only adds to it's prescience.

I betcha' 'bout once got dust on your Cough Silencer,in one of your "rough and tumble" outings...though undoubtedly you could suck your way out.

You go girl!


Your fixation is both palpable and founded,shoot me a PM with an addy and I'll send you the skivvies I'll wear today in the Outdoors,so you know what the Outdoors smells like. To horn you up even more,take it to the bank that it'll waft in passing the subtle fragrant olfactory tinge of fresh Fish. Tis a perpetual shame that you haven't the faculties to know a good pun,though in fairness there's more than one.

Happy Imagination to you and as per always,your commentary in regards to your jaunts are "compelling". It assuredly is no small feat that in nearly 10yrs of trying,that you are as of yet fully incapable of proffering a pic of you with as much as a dead Squirrel...yet gorge vicariously on the buffets arranged by others. No need to reiterate that Imagination will only getcha' so far,as it's long gone without saying,that few talk out their ass more than you and undoubtedly you are quite proud of the "accomplishment".

Film at 11:00 and the skivvies may take a spell,if only because the weather is currently doing no favors.


Tough for me to pick a favorite pic from these past few days,as it's been pretty good diggings all in all. Taking all into context and weighing the inherent difficulties of getting C&R victims to cooperate while solo,I'd prolly have to side with the volumetric side of the equation,despite most being "prettier"...though I'm a sucker for fall plumage. Beings I specified a 21.5" Mike Rock replacement spout on my Rocktucky,it skews it's OAL to 41.50",which do sorta lend an inkling to splendor. Tough to get things laid out straight,skin back and slap the shutter,while trying to coax cooperation from the gift of light. Much easier to punch them in the ear,pop a gill an arrange a right proper compilation of bloody pixels as I happily do Salmon.

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

As to BC's in particular,I've quite a bit better than 100 sets and have only broken one of the older style red flippers,due to a none too gracious spill I took on a mountain. It did the ocular no favors either,but an immediate zero confirmation check was rewarding in it's divulgence of POA/POI yet being in synch. Given the amount time I spend toting rifles so equipped and the round count generated by those forays,that is easily incredible as a minimum. Couple same with 180" of rain a year and toss 20yrs of same into the fray and it's easy to establish track records of repute,in extrapolation,as I've used everything and have crafted attempts to find The Grail. BC's simply have no peer,nor is anything else even in the same League.

I've tried to purposely break them and still found them chooglin' along nicely,but admittedly I don't tote a rifle haphazardly,whether in my mitts or lashed to a pack.

Break Attempt LINK

If/when something comes along that is better,rest assured I'll sing it's praise and whole heartedly make the switch...but a scope purse ain't it,nor close.