Imitation is THE most sincere form of flattery and in fairness...I do enjoy the constant that them who cain't bring anything to the table in the firsthand,relish in their dumbphucktitude(though obliviously).

Hmmmmmm...let's see,what sights to show you poor Do-Nothing Dumbphucks first?!!? You "rough & tumble" gals really "test" the hell outta things. Laffin'!

Let's visit weather.

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Atmospheric conditions.

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Then we'll touch upon B&C constants,in the Real World.

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It will always remain curious to me,that them who do the least...bitch the most. Equally strange,that they wantonly reach for a cock,long before a tit. I'll be in the Beaver Patch with the B&C's,ringin' more than a few bells.

You go girls!