Originally Posted by Boxer
Originally Posted by slowr1der
My advice is, if the Butler Creeks work for you, keep on using them.

For me, the new production ones don't work. I've not had a problem with my older set, but the newer ones I've had don't hold up for me. This is a very common issue that's been discussed on many sites, including Opticstalk.com, Snipershide.com, etc. So for the ones of us who keep breaking them, we obviously need to find an alternative. Just because you haven't broken yours doesn't mean that we are having the same luck. No need to come in here, post after post, bashing people who would like an alternative.

If the Butler Creeks work for you, that's great.

Much enjoying that you think an elastic powered open ended sack atop your scope,is going to do anything but hang up on schit and concentrate moisture where you least want it?!!? Schit don't get much funnier than that! It was a very nice touch that you prefaced that brainfart with the muse that you were going to "Field Test" the ruse by a "hard" Hunt and then came full circle to reiterate that the piece of [bleep] schit filled up with water,as your "revelation". The only way to top them "findings",would be to hang a pic of what that "Hard Hunt" garnered in regards to punched tags and touch a wee bit on the AO and it's particulars. Laffin' in advance!

Let me guess, you work for Bushnell? That's the only explanation I can think of as to why you'd be so closed minded on any other choices, and think that everyone has to be using the BC caps.

As for the Scope Shield, it's a whole lot better than the Butler Creeks, that broke apart long before I ever had a chance to take them out in the rain storm we had. That said, had the Butler Creeks held together for me like the old sets I have, I'd think they were a great product, but every set of newerish ones I've had have broken in very short order. They do me no good when they are broken, but I do love the idea behind them, and if they held up I'd think they were great.

The Scope Shield Alaska may not be the best product that ever gets produced, or it may end up being, who knows. However, I can say at this moment it's the best I've used that's currently being produced. I've not used everything out there, so I can only comment on what I have used. If you or anyone else has a product that performs better, send me one. I'd be glad to try it out too. If it works better, I'd be glad to keep on using it, and recommend it to anyone that asks me. So far, I've not found anything that works better, and I've had several sets of BC caps, and they certainly don't work better when they are broken. Not to mention, they don't keep any part of the scope dry in any way shape or form either.