
I enjoy it when you hold your breath and stomp your feet...to put emphasis on all your insecurities. Your pics are really "helping" too. Laffin'!

Try this toots: pry your [bleep] from the kouch and step outdoors and do a little sumptin',it'll help your blood pressure and if you took notes and apply same,it'll MUCH improve your Game. Pun be intended.

I know you've a long established penchant to set on the sidelines and watch others connect dots,while you pout in angst and live vicariously...fact is,not many is "better" at it. Just sayin' I enjoy your conviction,no matter how misguided and how animated you become. Groovin' on how stupidity isn't an act for you and how you thrive on reiterating same.

In fairness,you're probably a fair to middlin' fluffer.


Obviously,comprehension ain't your gig,but you're a spicy gal. You'd do well to take notes and apply same,though I enjoy that you are to dense to savvy that,which is part of your spice.

Rest assured,that there's gents far brighter than you connecting dots and applying same,less concession. I enjoy how that salient fact fully escapes you,though in fairness,there is no reason for you to point out the glaring lapses you "enjoy". Feel free to cite where you Imagine my being mistaken and I'll happily rub your nose in your own stupidity. I'll use leetle words,should it help. Some things are subjective,but a Scope Purse assuredly isn't amongst those ranks.

Tickled that you contrive unhappiness on my end,because you clueless dolts are the Christmas that never ends. Look objectively at the cast of characters whining and it well beyond apparent,that a more pathetic band of Do-Nothing Dumbphucks could not be assembled(save the lapse of Bigsqueeze becoming un-dead and joining the fray). Entertaining and then some,that your Estrogen Levels compel you to attempt cajoling the Do-Nothing Gang into actually doing something Outdoors,to salve the realities of their perpetual dumbphucktitude. It's like a Jerry Lewis Telethon,as all the key "players" whine,weasel,wriggle and weep en masse,then try to blame others for their sucktitude. Very curious to me,for you to cast a train of thought to embrace their collective stupidity and applaud their "knowledge","results" or "experience" as anything other than the grandiose comedy it most certainly is.

I speak matter of factly,because facts matter and the Do-Nothing Gang finds it unsettling,which assuredly cracks me the [bleep] up. Rest assured I've no intent to steal their bandwidth,as it's a never ending Science Experiment of sorts,to watch them bump their heads,stub their toes and lick windows...under the auspice of their knowing what in the [bleep] they are talking about. It's as good as humor gets!

I'm more than a whole bunch comfy in my skin and have known for decades that there's damn few folks who have it as good as me. I savvy that I've lived a slice of Life that very few have and I've great appreciations for those fortunes,whether they were "luck" or due to keen foresight on my part. I'm as openminded as they come,but do not suffer fools or Snake Oil Salesmen and I'll not [bleep] goods I'm not steeped in. Few is more fair than I and I've zero qualm denoting goods how they are. Want the straight scoop,ask the question and I'll hitcha with the skinny,if I've BT/DT.

Few folks have the time,interest,means and desire to shake goods out,but I've a curious nature and prefer a hands on approach,so my Mail Man stays rather busy...to the chagrin of many. I'm unbiased,gun an openmind and ain't never not looking for a better way. When schit is schit,I'm at ease in branding it same. If it rocks,I'm just as at ease there. To couple those constants,I also have the luxury of being afforded the topography,vegetation and weather to test things like very few others,besides the physical gifts to wring schit out and the analytical mind to savvy the cause/effect of same. Cracks me up,that the Do-Nothing Gang cain't like that either!

My worst enemy is time,which is why I work/play hard and try to get a few day's worth of goody outta every day. I'm diggin' the odds,in regards to that curve.

Enjoyed the fireside chat,order yourself a Scope Purse and be a trendsetter.



You're simply the sorriest of the sorry [bleep],which do put you in Rare Air. Hoping you can glean at least a little of how incredible that "accomplishment" really is.

Just when I think you've done/said the most [bleep] stupid [bleep] thing POSSIBLE,you easily top it and always accidentally.

You go girl!

JG Texas Tea Bagger,

I'll keep flippin you pics,so you can see what the Outdoors look like.
