
I suppose I could prolly try to pop 'em open to see what happened,but it ain't how I roll.(grin) If/when covering lotsa ground,the rifle goes over my neck and a shoulder so it lays against my back(muzzle up)...or it gets secured to my pack which also precludes things being opened,unless I want them to be.

When schlepping on the prowl,my rifle is seldom shouldered and I very typically carry it balanced amidship with it's belly nestled in my strongside palm. When punching through the Jungle I either thread the muzzle through the best opening or actually break trail with it still palmed by the belly and push through with the "grain" commensurate to the way the caps close,with the glass running vertical roughly chest high(or whatever it takes to keep things out of my eyes). Easy to be afforded finite control and ever privvy to the status of the arm and it's glass,when done so.

I like to Run & Gun and tend to cover lotsa ground from sweetspot to sweetspot,then slow the pace,play the wind and grind things out. I'm no Limb Sitter either and much prefer a more hands on approach,winging conditions as they change as that's more than half the fun.

Still hammering Bucks with a Call? Pretty serious honk going on here,but I was hoping to play with the Wolves ala FX3 and a fresh run of 62TTSX I just finished...but today ain't the day.


The Scope Purse is an Age old "solution" to nothing,other than fleecing clueless boobs outta loot. Have tried them all,both in Commercial offerings and a multitude of self crafted means...neoprene typically being the route. Just one of the "luxuries" of wearing out waders with reckless abandon. I've used everything thus far mentioned in this Thread and as Scope Purses go,the Scope Coat is far and away the best,mainly because it doesn't suffer the superfluous fore attachment point and the foolish elastic bullschit to hang up on schit and dangle like a dick sticking out of MagnumDouche's mouth. I can sorta suffer the Lens Coat in some camera lens applications,but it's largely a farce too. 'Bout the only thing I like in neoprene is my Zeiss Spotter,because it can be wrapped in a plastic sack to preclude moisture intrusion,where as a Scope Purse cannot. Cain't like any of my camera bodies in them either,though I've made 'em with buckles,drawstrings and velcro flaps.

Anywhoo...I much enjoy your Imagination and the brainfarts you are able to reliably conjure,due to same.

GREAT time to hang some pics of you with Superlative Beasties slain in the most trying of conditions and reflection on how a Scope Purse allowed you to connect the dots...but you'll have to pardon my laughing at your awkward silence well in advance,because Imagination ain't no match for reality.


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