Originally Posted by Boxer
[quote=Ackleyfan]I've tried to purposely break them and still found them chooglin' along nicely,but admittedly I don't tote a rifle haphazardly,whether in my mitts or lashed to a pack.

Break Attempt LINK

If/when something comes along that is better,rest assured I'll sing it's praise and whole heartedly make the switch...but a scope purse ain't it,nor close.

I've puzzled a little over our different experience. Not sure why I keep breaking them but here is a guess: They pop open unintentionally and then break the hinge. Sometimes the front ear or rear red tab on mine will open from catching brush, riding wrong on a pack or getting mauled among other gear in a vehicle. Once open, the hinge breaks easily if it gets a side force. If they are fully down on a scope bell that fits them, they are stronger and stay closed better. If they are not all the way down, with the BC plastic cylinder sticking out unsupported past the end of the scope they are more vulnerable, and it is my fault that I broke one or two that way.

This last one may not have broken. It was simply gone. I had climbed a wooly spruce with the rifle slung on my back. I knew I should have left it on the ground and pulled it up with a cord but was in a hurry. Had to cut a few limbs on the way up. It was an impromptu decision, made on the spot to fit the situation as most of my stands are. I thought I'd try the gentleman eastern tree stand technique, but after sitting on a spruce limb for awhile I can't understand the appeal of tree stand hunting, but I digress.

Have a great year. Looks like you are off to a good start.