If ruffians enter the kitchen to clean instead of ravaging it, maybe the hostess will be happy smile

I am pasting the messages about Stalingrad and my response here:

Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by Sponxx
Back in Peru we shot something that we called Stalingrad. It was trying to mimick the last battle of enemy at the gates.
2 shooters, shooting at 50meters at 9 scaled down soldier silhouettes and a rounded 10th one simulating and enemy sniper scope. Distance scaled to simulate 300m. First one to take them all down wins. Knockout type of game. Single shot loading with 22lr, prone position, no support except sling.Fun fun fun, specially when you hear the plink of your oponent connecting

That would be cool! Wonder where we could get some of those silhouettes?


On further research it was scaled down to look at 50m (55yds) like at 400m... which is about 445y. The "scope" one wasn't so tiny, but it was a rounded one.
I have send my requests to see if someone can get me the details, as I recall they were welded with a hinge, so they would fly all over the place and it was easy to set them up again.

Quick Web-Fu revealed ebay has different offerings.
silhouette extravaganza
[Linked Image]
Any of these and we can pick distances to simulate whatever we want and can be a quick solution. (Going hinged to a base and lever/string to set them up form afar would be the bees knees, though)

Last edited by Sponxx; 03/20/14.