I posted this in a different thread a few days ago. I hope at least one person blowing this thing off reconsiders...

I’ve kind of kept my mouth shut on this but some people are going to look back on these threads with a lot of regret. Some won’t get that chance. I switched careers a couple years ago in large part because it would be safer for me and better for my family, and it was up until February 28th. I’m on day 17 of quarantine and hope to be done soon. My last 48hr shift prior to that won’t ever be forgotten. I just got off the phone with my best friend who’s seen some serious stuff in the last 14 years and he was shaken by what they are dealing with.

I called my wife the first night and told her things were going to get weird in America and they are. At this point all that’s left to find out is if it stays weird or gets catastrophic. If you think the choices that drs are having to make in Italy are different then are already being made here you might want to think again. King County, Washington, despite being a messed up place politically, has what many, myself included would call exceptional medical system. As in leads the world in cardiac arrest survival, CVA protocols, prehospital standards of care etc. Its getting hammered. Less capable systems are in deep trouble if they don’t stay very lucky.

I would doubt you could find a person who knows me in the real world that would say I’m an alarmist or easily spooked. I’ve seen this crap up close when it’s metastasized inside a facility of those most susceptible to it, horrific. All these restrictive measures grate at me on a personal level, but simply put they have a realistic chance of keeping our medical system from collapsing. Flattening the curve is vital to keeping the healthcare system functioning and keeping as many people alive as possible. Take this crap seriously, what’s coming isn’t cold/flu season as far as potential downside if it gets out of control.

Personally I feel there is zero chance that China’s statistics on Covid19 are even remotely accurate. I’ve spent enough time in Asia to know something this virulent that attacks the respiratory system would have far greater impact. 10 years from now I bet there will be a Amazon/Netflix miniseries along the lines of Chernobyl regarding what the communist regime is doing to suppress the truth.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Michael Scott