Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I never thought it was a hoax.

But I do believe it's been sensationalized off the scale by the lyin' media for political reasons.

At what point do you start to believe every word the media says?

They have been trying to destroy Trump since before he was elected.

They have been openly trying to destroy our economy since Obama left office, even to the point of weeks long panic mongering and outright lying about how bad the economy is... WAY before the virus came about.

I'll never trust anything the media says, or democrats say. Ever.

Barry, the Left is always going to love a good panic, catastrophe, crisis, and anything else that they think they can use against conservatism. This is no different, because as you said they've been after Trump since he was elected. In their mind, there is nothing he can do that they will give him credit for. It's always going to be that way, and the corona virus is just another in a long line of things that they have used to use against Trump and Conservatives.

Their first priority is to destroy whoever stands in their way, then they might show some concern about what is happening. The politicize everything, and in many ways, so does the GOP. All politicians love a good crisis, as they see it first as an opportunity to further their agenda.