Originally Posted by mrmarklin
Originally Posted by BigDave39355
Does everyone that comes in contact get it?

I’m not the tinfoil type. But believe the media is making this 10x worse than what needs to be.

Wrong. The media is making it 100,000 X worse.

Pretty much everyone that comes in contact with it can/will get it, no immunity.

For the naysayers:

The problem is hospital beds (and mortality rate). The U.S has +/- 2.77beds/1,000 people...for comparison, Italy has 3.18, s Korea has 12.27, Japan has 13.05 (I assume a positive from the SARS outbreak)

Say 1,000 people get the virus, 150 need hospital care (15%), 50 need ICU (5%). there aren't enough hospital beds to even cover the ICU patients.

With good care, Covid 19 is 10-20 times as deadly at the flu, with no care 30 times as deadly?, 50 times as deadly? Italy will be a barometer.

If 100M people get the coronavirus (herd immunity for Covid 19 is unknown but estimates range from 29-74%. So, 100M is on the low side), and care is good, the numbers say 600K - 1.2M will die from it. Without good care (which we will not have in the U.S. in the event of a widespread epidemic), I am thinking those numbers will be higher.

It doesn't just kill old people either...those on blood pressure medication (any of you?) are at high risk...5%