My take on it that most who post here think it is overblown and not going to affect them because they have self discipline and common sense not to put themselves or loved one at unnecessary risk. And most of us do.

But common sense is a rare commodity these days and most of the idiots out there have no clue how to function if Netflix stops streaming or the mall is closed. Those are the ones that are fueling the panic buying, and it is comforting to them to have a years supply of Charmin because they are utter and complete idiots. Students taking the Corona challenge by licking toilet seats, going on spring break, heading to the mall, and thinking they are too important to be inconvenienced. This is the segment of society that .gov mandates and directives are aimed at because they are morons and have no sense of responsibility. They could make this much, much worse than it currently is. And the sheep will stampede if they get a whiff of the wolf.

I work in the Health Care industry and daughter is an ER nurse at Duke, believe me the medical community sees the tsunamis that is coming. They are scared.

Me I am gonna continue to do what I always do. I already hate everybody except a few close friends and family and will limit my time, energies, and exposure to keeping them safe with the exception of the elderly population that cannot fend for themselves.

Stay safe.