It's more infectious than the common flu.
But it will turn out to be less deadly than the common flu when all the #s are in.
Death rate in the USA
4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)
3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)
3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)
2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)
2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)
2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)
1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)
1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)

We pray our sights be straight
and our aim be true
We pray for no pain
to the game we pursue
We thank you Lord
for this land
We thank you for the sights
from our stands
We pray for safety, one and all
We pray we may return next fall