Originally Posted by CharlieFoxtrot
I was in Infectious Disease arena for many years. The ID docs I've talked to are very concerned. It's not like anything they've seen in their lifetime. It's most certainly the real deal. The only real event comparable is the Spanish Flu. However, the talking heads on TV, social media medical practitioner wannabees, and their ilk are throwing gas on the fire. It's not needed and counter-productive.

DJT has surrounded himself with experts. He's directing a pointed attack; testing facilities, test kits, pharmaceutical testing - fast tracking - compassionate use, military help with hospital ships, MASH, logistics, doing whatever humanly possible to get the economy back humming again -the Fed - stimulus, etc. This maximum effort will make Katrina look like a fart in the wind.

The world is watching. Indeed, I think this will be his finest hour.


"I Birn Quhil I Se" MacLeod of Lewis
I Burn While I See
Hold Fast MacLeod of Harris