Originally Posted by GunTruck50

You have a right to be a denier. But the facts say differently.

You also have the right to buy into the politicization of a natural phenomenon. You have the right the right to believe inflated numbers. You have the right to ignore the fact that while the number of cases is naturally increasing, the death rate is not. You have the right to ignore the fact that medicine and healthcare has a better handle on treatment now than they did in March.

You have the right to be unsure about goals to mitigate this pandemic. You have the right to pray and hope for an effective vaccine tomorrow and likewise have the right not to understand the problems involved in getting 8 BILLION people vaccinated. You have the right to be selfish and just want to get in line and get the vaccine yourself and to hell with anyone else..

You have the right to focus solely on the vaccine effort rather than an effective treatment that will mitigate symptoms and morbidity that could be delivered to just those serious ill and save lives immediately and change social behavior all around the plant and return us to normalcy. You have the right not to understand that such a treatment only needs a few million doses to positively affect the human condition instead of BILLIONS.

You have the right (unfortunately) to use this natural disaster as a political weapon against your political enemies. You exercise that freely.

You and Flave are each exercising your rights. However, if the Leftists had their way, only one of these opinions would ever be heard.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo