Originally Posted by BigDave39355
I don’t think it’s a hoax.

But blown out of proportion....

Why not all this back with the ZeroBama was battlin H1n1?

Well, a couple things to think about:

If you recall, there was a strong vaccination program against H1N1. It didn't just crop up out of nowhere for the 2009-2010 season. There were a limited number of cases at the tail end of the 2008-2009 season that gave us time to prepare.

Secondly, the world, only 10 years ago, was not nearly as connected to social media as it is today. I'm not all that interested in looking at data, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that at present, the number of social media posts is an order of magnitude or more greater today.

And yes, I'm sure that having an MSM that is bound and determined to oust our president also figures into the equation.