Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Hey, Ladies,,,gotta run and put the corn out for my deer before dark and I’m tired and wore down from the two day fishing trip.

I’ll check back in on you lying bunch of fuggs tomorrow.

Meanwhile, please, please,,,,try to muster up some semblance of integrity, however meager it might be to apologize and admit that you’re wrong.

Man up.

Why are you feeding deer in the middle of the summer? Apparently you think they can't take care of themselves? Just like you think we can't take care of ourselves? What kind of science denier are you? Don't you believe in Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection? Maybe you're afraid it will be you next? Wouldn't that would be a great contribution to the Ecosystem? Helping the old and weak die?

Therefore let us declare that Covid is good. Kills Old Coots dead so the rest of us can enjoy more earthly resources. Three cheers for Old Coots! God rest his soul.

God Bless America