Originally Posted by memtb
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas was just on Tucker Carlson, and made some very interesting, and my opinion, accurate assessments about this situation. I believe that he is “very” realistically stating what should be obvious to all. He is very worried about the future of his grandchildren, as we all should be, if we allow the American economy to be completely destroyed by how we are handling this. He agrees that what we are doing presently is proper.....but, can’t continue very long. This is my opinion, not what Dan Patrick said! It “will” if it hasn’t already, put the economic future of America in peril. Leaving our children and great grandchildren living in an impoverished, 3rd world nation economy.... is not what I want this generations legacy to be! I’m not that selfish! memtb

He agrees that what we are presently doing is proper.

I sure agree with the economic part.

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What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.