20 years or so, my dad and I were hunting in Katy/Sealy area for snow geese. I was still in high school. We didn’t have enough for a full group, so we were joined with a few guys from DFW. It was foggy, and there were several ibis in the area. The guide made note of this to us and made sure to beat into our head to wait for him to call the shot, so to keep us from shooting an ibis mistaken for snow goose. The two guys that joined us were mega hungover and popped the first two ibis they saw that morning. They asked the guide what they should do. He replied “I don’t give a damn what you do, but get them out of here and you’re done for the day”. We finished a few hours later and returned to the truck where we discovered the offenders had buried the dead ibis in a shallow grave a few hundred yards away. Shortly there after, we were checked by the local game warden, who was a woman with a chip on her shoulder. She was trying to hammer us on “possession of specs, because we had them in a pile”. We successfully talked our way out of that, and just as she was leaving we realized the dog was missing. We went on a search, and when he finally returned to the group, he had a dirty dead ibis in his mouth. He was so proud. I don’t know how much the ticket cost those guys, but I’m sure it was significant.