There is 6 people in our club, and one of them is a game warden. 40yrs ago when I fished a lot, there was a game warden that lived next to my dads camp, both really nice guys. But we had one, his name was KIT CARSON, he would ticket a person for having a rope that was 1" short, then hall you in on the spot (in handcuffs). If you were fishing alone, your boat stayed on the lake till someone could go get it, and that happened to one of the guys on my least so I know it is true. He did check me during a fishing tournament, but not my boat and I was on solid ground, but he had his hand on his gun the whole time, using one hand to check my license. He took out his tape measure and was checking every boats numbers and if any was under the 2'' requirement, ticket time, same with rope, boat length and weight in relationship with motor(overed motored). It got bad enough that all the threats on his life, the office put him behind a desk. But I have not been stopped any that treated me bad (except the one above). But we won't talk about cops.