Every year I invite Nam Vets to my bear camp to hunt. My best friend is a wounded vet and my Godfather was one as well. They would invite guys thru their reunions. I had made the state aware of this, guiding laws non applicable since I charge nothing and cover all expense. Word didn’t get down the ranks I guess.
I had two Vets from down south hunting bears with me here ten years ago or so. One morning they decided to drive to a small backwoods cafe in the middle of nowhere for lunch. Owner of the cafe knew me, asked how it was going. Two guys in the joint overheard then stood up and came over to my Vets saying they were game wardens and started grilling them. Said they knew I was a guiding operation and wanted to know what they were paying. Said they were going to bust me. Grilled them hard for quite a bit and finally told them if they found out those two so much as bought me a beer they would throw them in jail.
Sadly they upset these guys so much they packed and left.
I only found out who one of those two wardens were. A local problem child so to speak. We have a healthy disdain for one another still.
I have worked on many things with the DNR in northern MN, plenty of good wardens and researchers but a few bad apples.
In the end, it would be a real **** show up here without them. They are needed.
Sad side note, running out of Nam Vets.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.