Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Acquaintance is an outfitter. Takes an out of state hunter on a one-in-a-lifetime Oryx hunt. Gentleman kills a nice bull.

G&F is on them immediately after the shot and loading of the animal.

He asks to see where the shot was taken from. They show him. He gets out a tape measure to measure the distance from the road. Law states the shot must be taken 40ft from a road. Turns out the guy was literally 1 foot short.

G&F cites him and confiscates the animal on the spot. The hunter is devastated and the outfitter pissed and embarrassed for his client and his experience in our state

Spends a fortune on lawyers and court. Wins. Outfitter has someone buy the animal that G&F is going to sell. He has it mounted and sends it to the client. Class

No doubt that was NM... frown

Bet the warden's name was Jackson.

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