Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Acquaintance is an outfitter. Takes an out of state hunter on a one-in-a-lifetime Oryx hunt. Gentleman kills a nice bull.

G&F is on them immediately after the shot and loading of the animal.

He asks to see where the shot was taken from. They show him. He gets out a tape measure to measure the distance from the road. Law states the shot must be taken 40ft from a road. Turns out the guy was literally 1 foot short.

G&F cites him and confiscates the animal on the spot. The hunter is devastated and the outfitter pissed and embarrassed for his client and his experience in our state

Spends a fortune on lawyers and court. Wins. Outfitter has someone buy the animal that G&F is going to sell. He has it mounted and sends it to the client. Class

No doubt that was NM... frown

Bet the warden's name was Jackson.

Wonder if it’s the same Jackson I know! He’s always been nice as can be to me.

Last edited by Godogs57; 09/25/22.

You only live once, but...if you do it right, once is enough.