My only negative incident with a warden happened on Thanksgiving day in the late '80s. My brother and I were hunting that morning without any luck and headed out to turkey dinner with my in-laws. We took what was supposed to be a short cut, but during that summer the area had been logged off and I couldn't find the correct turn off without the old landmarks. After mistakenly taking a dead end road, I suddenly have the part-time warden blow by my truck and suddenly block the road nearly causing me to hit his truck. I had a 4 wheeler in the truck bed and couldn't see him pulling in behind me. He thought I was road hunting while I was only looking for a turn around. After a few minutes he decides he has no reason for writing a ticked and we head back to the primary road.

Ironically I knew what a scumbag he was already. My wife's boss had one of the first video recorders in town. He and a customer had followed the part time warden and the customer's wife to a motel in a nearby town. The visual evidence came in handy in the divorce trial.