This was outside Lawrence Kansas, I was probably 7 or 8 in the mid 90's. Dad took my duck hunting with him at the local marsh. He would basically build a small blind on the bank and hunt from there on days I went with him. I got cold about 8 or 9 am and he gave me the truck keys to walk down the levee back to the truck to warm up. Well I got there and there was a warden. He asked how I was doing and what I was doing and I explained I was just going to get warm. He let me climb in his truck and warm up. Then he was so kind as to even let me call my mother on his car phone and for her to come pick me up since I was cold. She was pissed I walked the 300 yards back to the truck alone, dad was pissed I called mom. Game warden seemed to enjoy the whole thing and then got to check dad for all his proper stuff. No tickets but a fun morning and ride back home with mom because I didn't want to ride alone with dad.

Another time I was about 21 and duck hunting one of the public draw areas in Missouri. On our way out we were checked by a game warden. He checked all our guns and for steel shells and the normal stuff. Then he asked where we hunted in the pool and if we removed all of our spent shells. I wasn't thinking and said "yeah all the ones we could find." He then was all over us about how many shells we took in and how many empties we came out with. He then took our information and was going to check the spot and if there were shells we had not picked up he would be calling us to give us a ticket. I was on pins and needles for about a week. He lasted for 1 season as a game warden on the draw area then got shipped off to be a county game warden somewhere else.

I have been checked by wardens in a few states and these are the only 2 that really stick out. Sometimes its just a talk and they don't even check you. The first one that did this I was talking with and really wanted to go get to my tree stand to hunt that evening and he just kept talking and kept talking. I said "are you going to check my licenses?" He let me know he wasn't he was a pretty big guy and I said "I am late getting into the tree and need to be going", so he went on about his day. I think that dude was literally going to just shoot the breeze all evening with me.