I used to belong to a hunting club in Clayton, AL. One morning I was sitting in a ladder stand overlooking a greenfield when a huge black Game Warden walks through the greenfield and asks me”Where’s the corn”? I told him corn and baiting is illegal and our club doesn’t allow baiting. After checking my license he walks the entire perimeter of the greenfield, polluting it with his scent. That afternoon, a different Game Warden walks through a different greenfield to the blind I’m sitting in and also accuses me of baiting. He too walks all around the greenfield to find nothing. I tell the president of our club about the two incidents and he’s surprised by the harassment. The next day the same two Wardens harassed me at two more stands, all with zero probable cause and zero offenses to write me up over. After these four [bleep] in two days, I stopped hunting in Clayton AL.

Jesus saves, but Moses invests