Originally Posted by gnoahhh
Here's an alternative bead application for those of you who are divorced, or soon to be, or want to be: Take your wedding band, cut a chunk out of it and hammer it flat. Then knock the cheesy brass/plastic bead off your front sight, file the sight face to support the hunk of gold, solder it on, then finally file it into either a fat round bead or a flat squared-off Sourdough-like image.

I hit upon that years ago when smarting from a recent divorce and wondering what to do with that accursed wedding band. It worked pretty damned good (and I chuckle every time I look through the peep at that sight and think about how much it would piss her off if she knew what I did, her being anti-gun which she hid from me before the wedding).

Seriously, real gold on the front sight has a warm glow to it that catches the eye without being shiny/bright, and being gold it'll never tarnish no matter what. I've since then done a few more front sights from that source, and for a couple for fellas here on the 'Fire. So many in fact that I had to source more scrap gold to continue it. Beats the hell out of the base metal brass-colored stuff the sight companies use.

Real-for-real ivory is another good material. Scratch up some in the form of old piano keys, and substitute in the manner I described above but with epoxy. Beats white plastic. I honestly don't know which I prefer, both "shine" in poor light and stand out in bright light without refracting.

Hilarious! And, good info. I just need to find an old piano now.

"One should not talk to a skilled hunter about what is forbidden by the Buddha."

- Hsiang-yen by way of Gary Snyder