Originally Posted by Powerguy
Burns is calling out Stick for a shoot.

Video footage is a must.

Money seems to not be an issue as to stop one from getting to the others locale to get this done.

Results will always trump gumming.

Anything less than "Lets do it" is pure skirting the issue.

Lets gets get er done boys, there can be only one.

Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Naw we are just going to have a lil shooting contest and see who can really get hits. Just between buddys and nuthin but braggin right on the line.

John Burns has called Larry out several times in the optics section for a shoot out. So far Larry has completely ignored the issue. If I did't know better I would think he is concerned that John will show him up and he will lose face with his followers. I think Larry can take him and can't imagine why he has yet to agree.
