Originally Posted by jwp475

How appropriate after my Sniper rifle round pics wink

That was funny.

In all seriousness, we all have our different views on things, I do not know JB personally either and must say I laugh at the content of the recent videos for the humor in them, not bc of any reference to anyone. It would matter not to me if anyone's name is posted in them, I'd still chuckle.

The thing about Free Market - it drives alot of quality control and pricing decisions, as well as product offerings in the marketplace. It's there, it works, as there are different 'slices of the pie' in how 'market share' gets divided up.

We as consumers actually benefit ultimately from the 'competition' in the market place. Business aside, you all may recall Palin getting slammed on National TV for her 'bou' ordeal. We can point to many 'mistakes' made, but I applaud what she did taking risks in the marketplace. Now if those same people got ahold of a video of game shot at ultra distances, I am not sure how that would play out in the public eye. Realizing hunters are the 'minorities' in today's time IIRC.

I realize MOST videos for commercial purposes are edited to minimize 'collateral damage' from naysayers, but the 'principal' of what is done is sometimes all that's needed to attract bad PR.

If videos perceived by 'non-hunters' hits mass media, I am not sure how that would reflect on us all. But again, the free market will prevail. Usually.