For that money you could buy a dozen really expensive cotton dress shirts too. Don't know who buys them either, but know they are out there. Expensive is o.k. and apparently overpriced can actually be desirable. That is why I don't get the outrage on the price. The earlier P.T. Barnum reference was apt. A sucker IS born every day and if you are going to separate a fool and his money, do it with one that can afford it. Wal Mart can make billions from the working poor but Burn's target market is a bit more flush it seems. Rich ignorant Bubbas maybe.

Essay W.

PS I helped move $250,000 dollars worth of Steuben glass sculptures back when that was real money. Maybe a dozen cases the size of a big lawyers brief. Didn't even fill the trunk of the car really. But I was making $20k/yr and the owner probably made that before lunch most days. Reasonable enough to him.