Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Well...make it worth his while. Shoot for BATF yellow sheets. You put up what you and John agree would equal the cost of one of his systems, then ya'll shoot. If you lose, John walks away with your rifle(s). If John loses, you get a GreyBull system.

ain't that kinda the point?

seems to me that more than a few in the know as to what it takes to put together a good long range shooter take issue with the price of the Greybull system.

I would think if you're gonna put up pink sheets, it's just for the rifle you're shooting with.

though it could go too far the other way i reckon

hate to see some jabroni show up with some pos ole squirrel rifle with a tasco aboard and say "if'n you can beat me, this baby is yores"

though I could give a flyin flip much one way or another.

still it brought some mild entertainment to the screen for which I'm grateful

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.