Originally Posted by VAnimrod
The OP may have gotten into Gus' stash, though it doesn't seem to have quite the same effect.

The pondered cartridge sounds (ballistically) a lot like the 6.8SPC (now THERE'S a round that set the sales world on fire).

Winchester would be far better served by making rifles that shooters/hunters actually want than rolling the dice on gimmicky schit and new cartridges that do nothing (effectively) that existing cartridges haven't already been doing for a good, long while. I.e., they should have learned their lesson from the WSSMs, .225Win, .307Win, .356Win, etc., experiments.

I would rather have the rifle I want in the good ol 308, 270, Ought-Six, or 300/338 Win mag than all these odd-ball cartridges.

"For joy of knowing what may not be known we take the golden road to Samarkand."
James Elroy Flecker