You still never answered anyone's questions.

As for what I am. Hunting is a blood sport. Accept it.

Just like bull-fighting, dog-fighting, and cock-fighting.

Just as you don't deliberately hurt the weak (i.e. deer, elk, rabbits, quail, etc.), pissing off dangerous game (i.e. animals that are fully capable of taking you out), is something else altogether.

The only hunters I disrespect are the cowards that have the PHs shoot their elephants (Oh, I just can't see it!), or look for a hidely hole when they muff a shot on a buff, because they are too scared.

Killing a dangerous (but unsuspecting) animal with one perfect shot is like hitting a 300 lb biker in the head with a lead pipe, when he isn't looking. Sure you accomplished your task. Is it noble? Are you giving him (or her) a fair chance?

Hell no. But walk up to him square and trade punches with him for 3 or 4 shots and you get an idea of what living on the edge is all about. (Not to mention pissing blood for 3 days).

So from your self-rightous perch, instead of squawking about what a horrible person I am, tell us what you've done that makes you such a supreme know-it-all hunter.

My guess, is we'll get no details, just hyper-bole.