Click on the attachment from my post containing the details.

Poot Peat:

Personally, I don't make a dime off of out-of-state hunters.

Although they do contribute to some of the mom-and-pop grocery stores and gas stations, most of the money winds up going to the state government who IMO simply wastes it (currently got a big story going on about this little girl who was reported missing by her father a few weeks ago. Some government worker went there to check on the family's status to continue getting housing assistance which prompted the report. The police think the girl was killed a year or so ago. Turns out the family took a vacation to Walt Disney World several months ago, so they cops went there to see if they could find the girl on any of the hotels security videos. That's pretty typical of state spending, giving money to family to pay for their housing, yet the family can take a trip to Walt Disney World!)

As far as out-of-state hunters, I shared the woods with 3 hunters from Wisconsin (sp) a few year ago and they were really decent guys. We all stayed out of each others way. I gave them some tips on the lay-of-the-land and they dropped by and left me some home-canned preserves! Nice gents.

You are right on the ellie!