"ok.. I get tired of this holier than thou crap.. but here goes..."

Don't get your dander up, WyoWhisper. Nobody is holier than thou. I have two points:

1. As EVERYONE KNOWS, it's easier to hit at 600 yards at Camp Perry than to hit game that far away. If a reasonably high percentage of good (Master class or higher) shooters cannot consistently hit the 10-ring on the first shot at Camp Perry, it's much more likely that they will wound a deer.

Maybe, just maybe, YOU won't, but we don't all have a 3500 yard range out the back door. What about the truly good long range shot (on the target fields) who pays $5000 to go hunt out West, and, on the fifth day of a five day hunt sees a good rack just a "little bit" out of his range?

2. If you are going to hunt at long range, why handicap yourself with a .308?

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.