Comes down to this....

...about most any people we get two sorts of accounts, those that spent a considerable amount of time around 'em, and those that didn't.

I mean, can one imagine a youthful Sam Houston saying to his Cherokee buddies....

"I'm bored, lets go indulge in that favorite Cherokee pastime of tossing White babies on rocks...."

...or alternatively, a grown-up Sam Houston saying to his Cherokee buddies....

"I'm bored, lets go get drunk.... and then go toss some White babies on rocks....."

Ain't saying that other thing didn't happen, I mean I'm the guy who pointed out them estimated THREE THOUSAND White settlers tortured and killed in Pennsylvania during the French and Indian War, and those EIGHT HUNDRED White settlers knocked off by the Santee Sioux twenty-four years before Wounded Knee.

Take that as the whole story? No more than them hundreds of non-combatants murdered in Mexico duting the Mexican War (according to a book given to me by a poster here grin) tell the whole story about Texans.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744