"But, they were setting up for a wedding amid the live oaks along Grape Creek (more accurately the bone-dry bed of the same) and festooning the oaks there with a rainbow of colored ribbon. Dunno if it was to be a same-sex ceremony, but we suspected so given the history of homosexuals elsewhere co-opting cool locations"

Along about 1980 - it was AFTER Hondo died,for sure - the local JP or County Judge came outside the old store one Sunday afternoon and ordered one of the "local legends" to gather up a couple more pickers and come inside to provide music for a wedding he was officiating.

The jurist admonished the newly appointed band leader to play only the wedding march and "no shennanigins like last time".

As soon as the bride and groom had been properly pronounced as man and wife,the 3 piece band[I was NOT included]struck up Jimmy Buffets'" Why don't we get drunk and screw?".

One of the newly formed band's members was a guy just passing thru who had a Crown Royal bag full of harps in different keys and he was top notch Luekenbach quality for the time,which was plenty damn good.

There were so many really good musicians back then that I can't recall but a couple of them that really stood out from the rest.Everything was acoustic and nothing was pre-arranged.

It went to hell shortly afterwards.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place