The geographic features around the area of the two separate"massacres" I mentioned are:

Cox Mountain
Flatop Mountain
Turtle Hole
Salt Sreek
Flint Creek

The author of "Summer Moon"-according to info in the book itself- came to Texas 15 years ago.His "research"-again,according to him - was done at college campuses at Austin,Lubbock, and [maybe] Alpine.If he had spent even half a day in Young County,he would have been much better prepared.

Since the book was about Quanah Parker,I thought it odd that he didn't mention a funny exchange between the chief and the General:

General: "Chief,you have to pick out only one wife , and tell the others they must live apart from you".

Quanah: "YOU pick one.YOU tell the rest!"

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place