Originally Posted by Rug3

I completely agree. I had never even heard of that 70 AD doctrine until a couple years ago. I've talked with some of those folks and there's no way to convince them any different.

I heard it forty years ago from an Episcopalian so it's not new.

Why would you waste time trying to convince someone of something that can't be proven either way?

God's default answer to a lot of questions seems to be: "What is that to YOU...... follow Thou me."

That doctrine has been around for a while. I first heard it in 1965 presented by General William Harrison (He negotiated the Korean war truce) He had a platform full of large blackboards filled with scriptures. In his two hour presentation he explained why some Christians believe in a pre-tribulation rapture giving scriptures. He did the same with explaining the mid-tribulation rapture doctrine and the post-tribulation rapture doctrine. He also separately taught on the battle of Armageddon. I found that presentation fascinating and exciting. He told us that He had written a highly discussed paper on the topic as a senior at West Point. His view on eschatology was briefly explained as "there exists a vast number of views on the return of Jesus Christ and the only thing we know for certain is - it happens." "Timing, the sequence and meaning of events is speculation at best."

I tend to follow his line of reasoning.
I believe that is the pan-tribulation doctrine: while there is truly no knowing of when, we do know it was all pan out. wink I subscribe to that one, too.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.