Originally Posted by Ringman

Nobody here asks about 'your' credibility anymore.

You are either obfuscating or are not able to keep up with the conversation. I think it's the former.


It seems to me that he is very sensitive and cannot stand it when someone challenges what he says. Note that he posted this, a broad blanket statement with absolutely no validity or support for it:

"People don't resist Christianity because of Jesus...people resist Christianity because of Christians."

I replied and simply said that that this was not my experience and he posted this:

"To say that some 'Christians' don't often come across as being unkind, intolerant, harsh, judgmental, and self-righteous when they claim they are just trying to convey the message of Jesus is more than a little bit disingenuous. People aren't resisting the message of Jesus...they *are* resisting the messengers that come across just as I described above."

Of course, note that I did not say what he implied at all I never said that some Christians don't often come across as.... yada yada........ He added and twisted what I said. I was not disingenuous, he was. He intentionally misconstrued and then posted a poorly thought out "rebuttal."

He also bobs and weaves a bit. Note that he never answered the following question:

"Well, I agree with you that "some" are like that. But let me ask if, in the church you attend, are "most" like that or "some?"

I guess you could say that yes, he was "obfuscating" with his non-answer that "any" was too much. He sure evaded answering the question didn't he?

Further, there was post by George and this guy picks out an obvious error about carbon dating and proceeds to ding on the guy for it. He ignored the main point of the post and got stuck on this. Why? It seems to be "disingenuous" to me. Yep, he was finding fault with a minor point and ignoring or perhaps not comprehending the main point of the post. Seems to me he WAS nitpicking.

He exhibits troll like behaviors.


btw, in general, I agree with George in that while I do not know the age of the earth, I suspect it is younger than most believe. Honest science and data is what it is but junk science and politically correct conclusions not supported by the data is simply a new way to pass off lies to those with itching ears. Look no further than the lies from the "scientists' on manmade global warming and climate change.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”