Sure, there is a problem with humility.

When I first became a follower of Jesus, I did not feel like a "really bad sinner." Yep, I knew there was a spiritual void in my life and it was filled by the Lord, but still, I was not a "really really bad sinner."

Then as I began to grow in the Lord, I began to see my sin differently, perhaps as He sees it and sees me. I have come to be aghast at my attitudes and behaviors.

Early on in my Christian life, I was comparing myself to others that I ran into in my life and "frankly, I came out pretty good in that comparison."

Then, I began to compare myself to Jesus and then I began to be heartsick at the sin in my life.

I suspect there are others like me.


The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”