Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

It's certainly not all about Israel even if they respond back to God in the future. All believing gentiles (everybody not an ethnic Jew) were accepted into God's fold in the NT times when Peter had the dream of the "unclean and the clean" the upshot of which was that all of us unclean Gentiles (in the eyes of all Jews anyway which of course Peter was) were now to be equal par takers of God's grace through belief in Jesus Christ. Paul was thus commissioned to go and preach exclusively to the "unwashed" masses--us!

They were accepted in long before that; the fact that it took Israelites that long to get it was a big reason why the temple fell in Ad 70.

Christians are true Israelites; the one true Jew who ever lived was Christ and we follow Him. Galatians and the discussion on Hagar & Sarah makes this pretty clear.

I am confident that God will (and already has) work mightily in the nation of Israel down thru to he ages to call His people from that nation but there won't ever be a physical temple in Jerusalem as some contend. Hebrews is very clear on that point.

That any of us can be counted as His simply blows my mind...

As to your last statement, I heartily agree knowing me like I do.

For the other readers here, my good friend efw, represents the amillennial position; while I was raised in it I now lean the other way. However, these types of disagreements should never separate believers as neither belief has exclusivity on salvation and are not doctrines fundamental to the Christian faith.