Originally Posted by gunner500

...don't purposefully hangout with asswholes...

I could use that excuse but it'd make me a hypocrite cuz I can't not hang out w/ myself blush .

Originally Posted by gunner500
Plus, I don't trust any mother-fu-ker that wont cuss.

I cuss more than I should.

There are churches out there that aren't full of hypocrites. The place where the Lord has planted me has a few (if I found the perfect church my joining would ruin it) but generally speaking their genuine, authentic sinners saved by grace seeking to grow in that same grace.

There was a long time when I was younger when I cynically avoided houses of worship like you do and for the same reasons you do. Eventually I realized that I was going easy on the hypocrites outside church... I mean they're all over... and I wasn't disassociating from them. I've never regretted going back, although I've had to deal with a little crap here and there. We found a place we call home and the people in the congregation have treated us like family.

Because that's what we are.