Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
What is your point?

That the foundation of the Christian faith is not The Bible. The foundation of the Christian faith is not the infallibility or inerrancy of The Bible. The foundation of the Christian faith is something that happened in history...Jesus came to the earth and walked upon it, represented God, was God, and procured our salvation through His death and resurrection. *He* is the foundation of the Christian faith.
I won't disagree, but would suggest that is splitting hairs a bit. Were it not for the Bible we would haves strayed far from the truth that is found there. I understand being put off by those who totally center their religion in the Bible, also understanding that Christianity is a relationship with the risen Savior. But the Bible is also a living document, and verses passed over for years of reading suddenly can point places we had never seen. Had God not believed the Bible essential for understanding, edification and growth, it never would have been written or remained intact to this day.

When did God start believing things? I always thought God is Omniscient.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter