The way I look at it I don't DO prophecy or DWELL on it to the distraction of things more important and pressing; however, a good part of the Bible--say 25-30%--is prophecy or prophecy related. Now a lot of those have already literally been fulfilled.

For example, the Septuagint (an OT translation) written some three hundred years before Christ has some prophecies ( folks disagree on the exact number), let's say conservatively fifty, that describe Christ so specifically that statisticians say the chance any other person could have fulfilled those is so low as to be non-existent. For you doubters, you might ask how that could be.

And the OT is full of references to Christ and other prophecies that have been fulfilled. The implication then is, those unfulfilled will also be...but there is disagreement among Christians as to the how, where, and in what fashion. For example, that's where EFW, TRH and I disagree but I a not dogmatic about it as there are a lot of brilliant theologians on both sides of the fence on how to interpret these scriptures and hence what they mean.

But, Jesus did say to "know the seasons" or what we might describe as the birth pangs of the last times so that is why it is also important to look at these scriptures like those in Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, and Revelation, etc, not to pick dates for Christ's return or for the Rapture (which is foolishness) but to be aware--have circumstantial awareness of the times in regard to what the Bible says. Who would not agree for example that our nation is generally on a trajectory of degradation from its beginnings?

Why? What is happening? What are the implications of multinationalism, multiculturalism? Talk of a common international currency? What is behind the consolidation of power by our government and among governments with international agencies and governing bodies? This is not just paranoia or whacked out conspiracy theorizing either.

Regardless, Christ is the focal point of both Old and New Testaments and He will be again at the Second Advent when He will come as the Lion of Judah and judge of all and all injustice, not as the lamb to the slaughter as He did when first He came. Our salvation is through Him and Him only amd I would desire all who have not believed to seriously consider that today.

I'm 67 and am reminded daily by those I know, and read about (includinghere) that life is very tenuous and really quite short; we never know when we will die or be told we soon will so today is the next, best time to accept that Cnrist paid a personal price for you and to trust Him as Lord and Savior.