Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by gunner500
This, is the reason I don't go to church, a bunch of back sliding hypocrites, BS con artists and betty-better-than-me's. crazy
They can kiss my red ass while riding their tall horses starring down their noses at the rest of the world.

They've (Christians AND their churches) done a pretty poor job as a whole. With 83% of Americans professing to be Christians (about 250 MILLION people), you'd think that things would be WAY better here than they are. You'd think that these folks, collectively, would be a HUGE influencial and driving force. But they're not. If all of these Christians would simply do what Jesus did, it would have a profound postive impact on this country in a years time. People don't resist Christians because they love others too much. People don't resist Christians because they are too welcoming of others. People don't resist Christians because they are too willing to carry others people's burdens. People don't resist Christians because they're so forgiving and so open and so gracious.
What people find so easy to resist about Christians is the hypocrisy and the 'we know it all, and we're better than y'all' attitude that many of em' seem to have.

People don't resist Christianity because of Jesus...people resist Christianity because of Christians.

Doing Christian things is really helping Europe out, but it doesn't matter, they'll be rewarded in the afterlife I guess.
I'd believe that the leadership in Europe who have created the muslim crisis have about the same percentage of Christians as the muslim refugees: about zero. Europe has largely abandoned Christianity before the 19th century.

Real Christians have no death wish for themselves, their faith, or their children. Jesus made sure they were armed when he sent his disciples into the world.

What do you guess is the percentage of 'Real Christians' in the US of A?

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"