Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by RickyD
What people find so easy to resist about Christians is the hypocrisy and the 'we know it all, and we're better than y'all' attitude that many of em' seem to have.
I find it sadly amusing so many convict Christians on the crime of hypocrisy when all of humanity is guilty of the same.
And it does become hard for some not to appear to know it all, or feel better about themselves when they learn what is required to be saved from eternal hell and also have found the faith to believe it. Kinda like suddenly going from death row in a horrible place of torment to total freedom and peace, and winning a huge lottery the same day. And then not telling anyone.

I think that some of the people that gunner500 was specifically referring to in his post, the one that I responded to...and the one that you partially referenced above, are the ones who give lip service to being 'Christians' and seem to be much better at policing the behavior of others than they are at policing their own behavior. They come across as being pretty judgemental, very moralistic, kinda hostile even, disingenuous, and quarrelsome...and very hypocritical because of the difference in their professed beliefs and their behavior. And many here have likely experienced those who think that they are the only ones going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell...and they actually seem to relish that notion...!
Could be. And there are some that just believe that of all Christians because they do. Both are right because people are people and humanity is frail and fickle as it was designed to be.

One of the many things I like best about actually reading the Bible is discovering how the most revered men of biblical history had some really un-Godly tendencies of all manner.

People God used to introduce Him to the world and made great men of renown. The men never changed all that much, but first and foremost had the faith to do God's bidding. At least at some point. Along the way, they flailed and failed and failed some more. Just like me. And maybe you, too. Perhaps all of us if we're honest.

And THAT is what keep my faith sound, and just another reason, that BOOK is the most valuable thing in my life. And should be in your's too, because without it, think of the lies we would be fed. wink

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.